
『栄養と料理』2018年8月号 「栄養Watch」参考文献一覧


『栄養と料理』2018年8月号 P108-111「栄養Watch」参考文献

(1)Leung CW, et al.: Improving the Nutritional Impact of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Perspectives From the Participants. Am J Prev Med. 52(2S2):S193-S198 (2017)

(2)Jun S, et al.: Poor Dietary Guidelines Compliance among Low-Income Women Eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed). Nutrients. 10(3) pii:E327(2018)

(3)Driscoll AK, et al.: Maternal Characteristics of Prenatal WIC Receipt in the United States, 2016. NCHS Data Brief. (298):1-8 (2018)

(4)Hopkins LC, et al.: A Historical Review of Changes in Nutrition Standards of USDA Child Meal Programs Relative to Research Findings on the Nutritional Adequacy of Program Meals and the Diet and Nutritional Health of Participants: Implications for Future Research and the Summer Food Service Program. Nutrients. 7(12):10145–10167 (2015)

(5)香川靖雄,他:朝食欠食と寮内学生の栄養摂取量,血清脂質,学業成績.栄養学雑誌.38(6):283-294 (1980)

(6)Adolphus K, et al.: The Effects of Breakfast and Breakfast Composition on Cognition in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Adv Nutr. 7(3):590S-612S (2016)

(7)石見佳子,他:栄養表示のための栄養参照量の国際比較.栄養学雑誌.75(1):39-46 (2017)

(8)Kagawa Y, et al.: Medical cost savings in Sakado City and worldwide achieved by preventing disease by folic acid fortification. Congenit Anom. 57(5):157-165 (2017)

(9)村山伸子:子どもの貧困と食生活・栄養.公衆衛生.80(7):470-474 (2016)